Handicap Committee


The Handicap Committee is a sub-committee of the Sun City Golf Club. Its purpose is to ensure that the handicap index of members is maintained fairly, equitably and in accordance with the rules of the USGA Handicap system. The USGA Handicap Manual is broadly worded in many areas and leave considerable discretion to the licensed golf club as to the best way to implement the system. Accordingly, the Sun City Golf Club adopts the following rules, none of which is inconsistent with the manual, under which the Handicap Committee shall operate during the performance of its duties. The purpose of these rules is to ensure that :

1) The handicap index as maintained is fair and accurate

2) The committee performs its duties in a fair, transparent and equitable manner and is seen by the SCHH members to so perform its duties

3) Satisfies all USGA guidelines.

Committee Members:

Important email addresses to add to your email contact list:

For the digital profile(DP) and changing your DP passwordGHINprofile@USGA.org

For receiving the newsletter and other USGA-sourced communication:  noreply@usga.org

For receiving communication from the Carolinas Golf Association:  ghinsupport@carolinasgolf.org

 For receiving communication from the Tournament Program (TM) (Golf Genius):  noreply@golfgenius.com

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