Rules Committee


To establish, maintain and review as necessary local rules for the golf courses of Sun City Hilton Head. The committee will be the governing body for local rules. The committee will also provide educational materials to golfers and residents pertaining to established local rules as well as the official USGA Rules of Golf.

Committee Members:

 SCHH Golf Club Local Rules:


Beginning Sep 24th, the spraying to kill the fairway grass on holes 2 thru 8 will take place at Okatie Creek.  During this period until the over seeding, which will take place on Oct 14th takes hold & has its first cut around the mid-November timeframe, you have 2 options in these fairways.

Lift clean and place in the fairway.

Lift clean and place, to the nearest side, in the first cut of rough no closer to the hole (no penalty).


Local Rule for Hidden Cypress #9 concerning the red penalty area to right of fairway

In accordance with Rule 17.1d if a player’s ball is in the red penalty area the player has multiple options to proceed under.  As an additional option, if a player’s ball last crossed the penalty area line between the 200-yard marker and the 100-yard marker defined by a blue/white pole and red/white pole respectively, the player, under the penalty of one stroke, may proceed to the nearest drop zone no nearer the hole, drop, and play from there.

In accordance with Rule 16.1a if a player’s ball is interfered by an abnormal course condition (the cart path) they may proceed with multiple options for free relief.    As an additional option, if the interference is between the 200-yard marker and the 100-yard marker defined by a blue/white pole and red/white pole respectively, the player, may take free relief by proceeding to the nearest drop zone no nearer the hole, drop, and play from there.


Local Rule for Hidden Cypress #16 and #17 concerning the bulkhead and wood railings

On #16 and #17, the red penalty area is now marked on the outside edge of the bulkheads and wood railings. In accordance with Rule 16.1a if the ball comes to rest in the playing area and a bulkhead/railing interferes with the player’s stance or swing they are given free relief.


Local Rule for Hidden Cypress #18 concerning the greenside bulkhead

In accordance with Rule 16.1a if the ball comes to rest in the playing area and a bulkhead/railing interferes with the player’s stance or swing they are given free relief (at the top of bulkhead).  In accordance with Rule 16.1c if the player’s ball is in the bunker and there is interference by an abnormal condition (the bulkhead) the player may take free relief and drop the ball in the bunker.  As an additional option, the player will be allowed to take line of sight relief from the hand railings and proceed with a free drop.  

The below local rules apply to all Sun City Golf Courses 

When a ball is lost or out of bounds, the player may, at their option, go to the edge of the fairway nearest the vicinity where the ball was lost or went OB, no closer to the hole, and measure two club lengths into that fairway; the drop area shall be between that point in the fairway and where the ball was lost or went OB, with a penalty of 2 stokes. This option is NOT available if you hit a provisional ball! 

Local Rule for Relief from sprinkler head near greens

ALL THREE CONDITIONS MUST BE MET in order for a player to receive relief from a sprinkler head near a green complex:

The player should find their nearest point of relief, mark that spot, and then the player is allowed a club length from that spot, NO CLOSER TO THE HOLE. 

The ball may be cleaned prior to the drop.

Local Rule for Relief from Wildflower Beds

You MUST take Free Relief within 2 club lengths no nearer the hole from the Wildflower planting beds located on Hidden Cypress holes #3 and #14 and Okatie Creek Hole #4

Local Rules Pertaining to GUR(ground under repair) and Abnormal Course Conditions 

Any materials that are left on the course that may or may not be removed, to include a possible pea sand cart path, should be considered ground under repair and a player can proceed in the following manner: 

1. Play the ball as it lies or 

2. Seek the nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole, and drop said ball under the current rules pertaining to dropping for relief. 

Due to abnormal course conditions in the fairway, e.g., cart wear, failed growth of grass, or such conditions that preclude a player from expecting a reasonable, fair lie on the course, a player may take relief and seek the nearest point of relief under the rules of golf. 

These local rules may be adopted and/or changed by local committees, e.g., MGA, WGA, COUPLES, private groups as they conduct tournaments for their respective players.